import collections
import itertools
from copy import copy, deepcopy
import textwrap
from visidata import VisiData, Extensible, globalCommand, ColumnAttr, ColumnItem, vd, ENTER, EscapeException, drawcache, drawcache_property, LazyChainMap, asyncthread, ExpectedException
from visidata import (options, Column, namedlist, SettableColumn,
TypedExceptionWrapper, BaseSheet, UNLOADED,
clipdraw, clipdraw_chunks, ColorAttr, update_attr, colors, undoAttrFunc, vlen, dispwidth)
import visidata
vd.activePane = 1 # pane numbering starts at 1; pane 0 means active pane
vd.option('name_joiner', '_', 'string to join sheet or column names', max_help=0)
vd.option('value_joiner', ' ', 'string to join display values', max_help=0)
def _splitcell(sheet, s, width=0, maxheight=1):
if width <= 0 or not sheet.options.textwrap_cells:
return [s]
ret = []
for attr, text in s:
for line in textwrap.wrap(
text, width=width, break_long_words=False, replace_whitespace=False
if len(ret) >= maxheight:
ret[-1][0][1] += ' ' + line
ret.append([[attr, line]])
return ret
disp_column_fill = ' ' # pad chars before column value
class Colorizer:
'''higher precedence color overrides lower; all non-color attributes combine.
coloropt is the color option name (like 'color_error').
func(sheet,col,row,value) should return a true value if coloropt should be applied
If coloropt is None, func() should return a coloropt (or None) instead'''
def __init__(self, precedence:int, coloropt:str, func=lambda s,c,r,v: None):
self.precedence = precedence
self.coloropt = coloropt
self._func = func
[docs]class RowColorizer(Colorizer):
def func(self, s, c, r, v):
return r is not None and self._func(s,c,r,v)
[docs]class ColumnColorizer(Colorizer):
def func(self, s, c, r, v):
return c is not None and self._func(s,c,r,v)
[docs]class CellColorizer(Colorizer):
def func(self, s, c, r, v):
return r is not None and c is not None and self._func(s,c,r,v)
class RecursiveExprException(Exception):
class LazyComputeRow:
'Calculate column values as needed.'
def __init__(self, sheet, row, col=None):
self.row = row
self.col = col
self.sheet = sheet
self._usedcols = set()
self._lcm.clear() # reset locals on lcm
def _lcm(self):
lcmobj = self.col or self.sheet
if not hasattr(lcmobj, '_lcm'):
lcmobj._lcm = LazyChainMap(self.sheet, self.col, *vd.contexts)
return lcmobj._lcm
def __iter__(self):
yield from self.sheet.availColnames
yield from self._lcm.keys()
yield 'row'
yield 'sheet'
yield 'col'
def keys(self):
return list(self.__iter__())
def __str__(self):
return str(self.as_dict())
def as_dict(self):
return {[] for c in self.sheet.visibleCols}
def __getattr__(self, k):
return self.__getitem__(k)
def __getitem__(self, colid):
i = self.sheet.availColnames.index(colid)
c = self.sheet.availCols[i]
if c is self.col: # ignore current column
j = self.sheet.availColnames[i+1:].index(colid)
c = self.sheet.availCols[i+j+1]
except ValueError:
c = self._lcm[colid]
except (KeyError, AttributeError) as e:
if colid == 'sheet': return self.sheet
elif colid == 'row': c = self.row
elif colid == 'col': c = self.col
raise KeyError(colid) from e
if not isinstance(c, Column): # columns calc in the context of the row of the cell being calc'ed
return c
if c in self._usedcols:
raise RecursiveExprException()
ret = c.getTypedValue(self.row)
return ret
class BasicRow(collections.defaultdict):
def __init__(self, *args):
collections.defaultdict.__init__(self, lambda: None)
def __bool__(self):
return True
[docs]class TableSheet(BaseSheet):
'Base class for sheets with row objects and column views.'
_rowtype = lambda: BasicRow()
_coltype = SettableColumn
rowtype = 'rows'
guide = '# {sheet.help_title}\n{sheet.help_columns}\n'
def help_title(self):
if isinstance(self.source, visidata.Path):
return 'Source Table'
return 'Table Sheet'
def help_columns(self):
hiddenCols = [c for c in self.columns if c.hidden]
if hiddenCols:
return f'- `gv` to unhide {len(hiddenCols)} hidden columns'
return ''
columns = [] # list of Column
colorizers = [ # list of Colorizer
CellColorizer(2, 'color_default_hdr', lambda s,c,r,v: r is None),
ColumnColorizer(2, 'color_current_col', lambda s,c,r,v: c is s.cursorCol),
ColumnColorizer(1, 'color_key_col', lambda s,c,r,v: c and c.keycol),
CellColorizer(0, 'color_default', lambda s,c,r,v: True),
RowColorizer(1, 'color_error', lambda s,c,r,v: isinstance(r, (Exception, TypedExceptionWrapper))),
CellColorizer(3, 'color_current_cell', lambda s,c,r,v: c is s.cursorCol and r is s.cursorRow),
ColumnColorizer(1, 'color_hidden_col', lambda s,c,r,v: c and c.hidden),
nKeys = 0 # columns[:nKeys] are key columns
_ordering = [] # list of (col:Column|str, reverse:bool)
def __init__(self, *names, rows=UNLOADED, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*names, rows=rows, **kwargs)
self.cursorRowIndex = 0 # absolute index of cursor into self.rows
self.cursorVisibleColIndex = 0 # index of cursor into self.visibleCols
self._topRowIndex = 0 # cursorRowIndex of topmost row
self.leftVisibleColIndex = 0 # cursorVisibleColIndex of leftmost column
self.rightVisibleColIndex = 0
# as computed during draw()
self._rowLayout = {} # [rowidx] -> (y, w)
self._visibleColLayout = {} # [vcolidx] -> (x, w)
# list of all columns in display order
self.initialCols = kwargs.pop('columns', None) or type(self).columns
self._ordering = list(type(self)._ordering) #2254
self._colorizers = self.classColorizers
self.recalc() # set .sheet on columns and start caches
self.__dict__.update(kwargs) # also done earlier in BaseSheet.__init__
def topRowIndex(self):
return self._topRowIndex
def topRowIndex(self, v):
self._topRowIndex = v
def addColorizer(self, c):
'Add Colorizer *c* to the list of colorizers for this sheet.'
self._colorizers = sorted(self._colorizers, key=lambda x: x.precedence, reverse=True)
def removeColorizer(self, c):
'Remove Colorizer *c* from the list of colorizers for this sheet.'
def classColorizers(self) -> list:
'List of all colorizers from sheet class hierarchy in precedence order (highest precedence first)'
# all colorizers must be in the same bucket
# otherwise, precedence does not get applied properly
_colorizers = set()
for b in [self] + list(type(self).superclasses()):
for c in getattr(b, 'colorizers', []):
return sorted(_colorizers, key=lambda x: x.precedence, reverse=True)
def _colorize(self, col, row, value=None) -> ColorAttr:
'Return ColorAttr for the given colorizers/col/row/value'
colorstack = []
for colorizer in self._colorizers:
r = colorizer.func(self, col, row, value)
if r:
colorstack.append((colorizer.precedence, colorizer.coloropt if colorizer.coloropt else r))
except Exception as e:
return colors.resolve_colors(tuple(colorstack))
def addRow(self, row, index=None):
'Insert *row* at *index*, or append at end of rows if *index* is None.'
if index is None:
self.rows.insert(index, row)
if self.cursorRowIndex and self.cursorRowIndex >= index:
self.cursorRowIndex += 1
return row
def newRow(self):
'Return new blank row compatible with this sheet. Overridable.'
return type(self)._rowtype()
def colsByName(self):
'Return dict of colname:col'
# dict comprehension in reverse order so first column with the name is used
return { for col in self.columns[::-1]}
def column(self, colname):
'Return first column whose name matches *colname*.'
return self.colsByName.get(colname) or'no column matching "%s"' % colname)
def recalc(self):
'Clear caches and set the ``sheet`` attribute on all columns.'
for c in self.columns:
def reload(self):
'Load or reload rows and columns from ``self.source``. Async. Override resetCols() or loader() in subclass.'
with visidata.ScopedSetattr(self, 'loading', True):
vd.debug(f'finished loading {self}')
def beforeLoad(self):
def resetCols(self):
'Reset columns to class settings'
self.columns = []
for c in self.initialCols:
if self.options.disp_help > c.max_help:
def loader(self):
'Reset rows and sync load ``source`` via iterload. Overrideable.'
self.rows = []
with vd.Progress(gerund='loading', total=0):
for r in self.iterload():
except FileNotFoundError:
return # let it be a blank sheet without error
def iterload(self):
'Generate rows from ``self.source``. Override in subclass.'
if False:
yield'no iterload for this loader yet')
def afterLoad(self):
'hook for after loading has finished. Overrideable (be sure to call super).'
# if an ordering has been specified, sort the sheet
if self._ordering:
def iterrows(self):
if self.rows is UNLOADED:
self.rows = []
for row in self.iterload():
yield row
except ExpectedException:
for row in vd.Progress(self.rows):
yield row
def __iter__(self):
for row in self.iterrows():
yield LazyComputeRow(self, row)
def __copy__(self):
'Copy sheet design but remain unloaded. Deepcopy columns so their attributes (width, type, name) may be adjusted independently of the original.'
ret = super().__copy__()
ret.rows = UNLOADED
ret.columns = []
col_mapping = {}
for c in self.columns:
new_col = copy(c)
col_mapping[c] = new_col
ret.setKeys([col_mapping[c] for c in self.columns if c.keycol])
ret._ordering = []
for sortcol,reverse in self._ordering:
if isinstance(sortcol, str):
ret.topRowIndex = ret.cursorRowIndex = 0
return ret
def bottomRowIndex(self):
return self.topRowIndex+self.nScreenRows-1
def bottomRowIndex(self, newidx):
self._topRowIndex = newidx-self.nScreenRows+1
def rowHeight(self):
cols = self.visibleCols
return max(c.height for c in cols) if cols else 1
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
'same as __copy__'
ret = self.__copy__()
memo[id(self)] = ret
return ret
def __str__(self):
def __repr__(self):
return f'<{type(self).__name__}: {}>'
def evalExpr(self, expr, row=None, col=None):
if row is not None:
# contexts are cached by sheet/rowid for duration of drawcycle
contexts = vd._evalcontexts.setdefault((self, self.rowid(row), col), LazyComputeRow(self, row, col=col))
contexts = dict(sheet=self)
return eval(expr, vd.getGlobals(), contexts)
def rowid(self, row):
'Return a unique and stable hash of the *row* object. Must be fast. Overridable.'
return id(row)
def nScreenRows(self):
'Number of visible rows at the current window height.'
return (self.windowHeight-self.nHeaderRows-self.nFooterRows)//self.rowHeight
def nHeaderRows(self):
vcols = self.visibleCols
return max(0, 1, *(len('\n')) for col in vcols))
def nFooterRows(self):
'Number of lines reserved at the bottom, including status line.'
return 1
def cursorCol(self):
'Current Column object.'
vcols = self.availCols
return vcols[min(self.cursorVisibleColIndex, len(vcols)-1)] if vcols else None
def cursorRow(self):
'The row object at the row cursor.'
idx = self.cursorRowIndex
return self.rows[idx] if self.nRows > idx else None
def visibleRows(self): # onscreen rows
'List of rows onscreen.'
return self.rows[self.topRowIndex:self.topRowIndex+self.nScreenRows]
def visibleCols(self): # non-hidden cols
'List of non-hidden columns in display order.'
return (self.keyCols + [c for c in self.columns if not c.hidden and not c.keycol]) or [Column('', sheet=self)]
def keyCols(self):
'List of visible key columns.'
return sorted([c for c in self.columns if c.keycol and not c.hidden], key=lambda c:c.keycol)
def availCols(self):
'List of all available columns, visible columns first.'
return self.visibleCols + [c for c in self.columns if c.hidden]
def availColnames(self):
'List of all available column names, visible columns first.'
return [ for c in self.availCols]
def cursorColIndex(self):
'Index of current column into `Sheet.columns`. Linear search; prefer `cursorCol` or `cursorVisibleColIndex`.'
return self.columns.index(self.cursorCol)
except ValueError:
return 0
def nonKeyVisibleCols(self):
'List of visible non-key columns.'
return [c for c in self.columns if not c.hidden and c not in self.keyCols]
def keyColNames(self):
'String of key column names, for SheetsSheet convenience.'
return ' '.join( for c in self.keyCols)
def keyColNames(self, v): #2122
'Set key columns on this sheet to the space-separated list of column names.'
newkeys = [self.column(colname) for colname in v.split()]
def cursorCell(self):
'Displayed value (DisplayWrapper) at current row and column.'
return self.cursorCol.getCell(self.cursorRow)
def cursorDisplay(self):
'Displayed value (DisplayWrapper.text) at current row and column.'
return self.cursorCol.getDisplayValue(self.cursorRow)
def cursorTypedValue(self):
'Typed value at current row and column.'
return self.cursorCol.getTypedValue(self.cursorRow)
def cursorValue(self):
'Raw value at current row and column.'
return self.cursorCol.getValue(self.cursorRow)
def statusLine(self):
'Position of cursor and bounds of current sheet.'
rowinfo = 'row %d (%d selected)' % (self.cursorRowIndex, self.nSelectedRows)
colinfo = 'col %d (%d visible)' % (self.cursorVisibleColIndex, len(self.visibleCols))
return '%s %s' % (rowinfo, colinfo)
def nRows(self):
'Number of rows on this sheet.'
return len(self.rows)
def nCols(self):
'Number of columns on this sheet.'
return len(self.columns)
def nVisibleCols(self):
'Number of visible columns on this sheet.'
return len(self.visibleCols)
def cursorDown(self, n=1):
'Move cursor down `n` rows (or up if `n` is negative).'
self.cursorRowIndex += n
def cursorRight(self, n=1):
'Move cursor right `n` visible columns (or left if `n` is negative).'
self.cursorVisibleColIndex += n
def addColumn(self, *cols, index=None):
'''Insert all *cols* into columns at *index*, or append to end of columns if *index* is None.
If *index* is None, columns are being added by loader, instead of by user.
If added by user, mark sheet as modified.
Columns added by loader share sheet's defer status.
Columns added by user are not marked as deferred.
Return first column.'''
if not cols:
vd.warning('no columns to add')
if index is not None:
for i, col in enumerate(cols): = self.maybeClean(
col.defer = self.defer
vd.addUndo(self.columns.remove, col)
idx = len(self.columns) if index is None else index
self.columns.insert(idx+i, col)
# statements after addColumn in the same command may want to use these cached properties
return cols[0]
def addColumnAtCursor(self, *cols):
'Insert all *cols* into columns after cursor. Return first column.'
index = 0
ccol = self.cursorCol
if ccol and not ccol.keycol:
index = self.columns.index(ccol)+1
self.addColumn(*cols, index=index)
firstnewcol = [c for c in cols if not c.hidden][0]
self.cursorVisibleColIndex = self.visibleCols.index(firstnewcol)
return firstnewcol
def setColNames(self, rows):
for c in self.visibleCols: = '\n'.join(str(c.getDisplayValue(r)) for r in rows)
def setKeys(self, cols):
'Make all *cols* into key columns.'
vd.addUndo(undoAttrFunc(cols, 'keycol'))
lastkeycol = 0
if self.keyCols:
lastkeycol = max(c.keycol for c in self.keyCols)
for col in cols:
if not col.keycol:
col.keycol = lastkeycol+1
lastkeycol += 1
def unsetKeys(self, cols):
'Make all *cols* non-key columns.'
vd.addUndo(undoAttrFunc(cols, 'keycol'))
for col in cols:
col.keycol = 0
def toggleKeys(self, cols):
for col in cols:
if col.keycol:
def rowkey(self, row):
'Return tuple of the key for *row*.'
return tuple(c.getTypedValue(row) for c in self.keyCols)
def keystr(self, row):
'Return string of the key for *row*.'
return ','.join(map(str, self.rowkey(row)))
def checkCursor(self):
'Keep cursor in bounds of data and screen.'
# keep cursor within actual available rowset
if self.nRows == 0 or self.cursorRowIndex <= 0:
self.cursorRowIndex = 0
elif self.cursorRowIndex >= self.nRows:
self.cursorRowIndex = self.nRows-1
if self.cursorVisibleColIndex <= 0:
self.cursorVisibleColIndex = 0
elif self.cursorVisibleColIndex >= len(self.availCols):
self.cursorVisibleColIndex = len(self.availCols)-1
if self.topRowIndex < 0:
self.topRowIndex = 0
elif self.topRowIndex > self.nRows-1:
self.topRowIndex = self.nRows-1
# check bounds, scroll if necessary
if self.topRowIndex > self.cursorRowIndex:
self.topRowIndex = self.cursorRowIndex
elif self.bottomRowIndex < self.cursorRowIndex:
self.bottomRowIndex = self.cursorRowIndex
if self.cursorCol and self.cursorCol.keycol:
if self.leftVisibleColIndex >= self.cursorVisibleColIndex:
self.leftVisibleColIndex = self.cursorVisibleColIndex
while True:
if self.leftVisibleColIndex == self.cursorVisibleColIndex: # not much more we can do
if not self._visibleColLayout:
mincolidx, maxcolidx = min(self._visibleColLayout.keys()), max(self._visibleColLayout.keys())
if self.cursorVisibleColIndex < mincolidx:
self.leftVisibleColIndex -= max((self.cursorVisibleColIndex - mincolidx)//2, 1)
elif self.cursorVisibleColIndex > maxcolidx:
self.leftVisibleColIndex += max((maxcolidx - self.cursorVisibleColIndex)//2, 1)
cur_x, cur_w = self._visibleColLayout[self.cursorVisibleColIndex]
if cur_x+cur_w < self.windowWidth: # current columns fit entirely on screen
self.leftVisibleColIndex += 1 # once within the bounds, walk over one column at a time
def calcColLayout(self):
'Set right-most visible column, based on calculation.'
minColWidth = dispwidth(self.options.disp_more_left)+dispwidth(self.options.disp_more_right)+2
sepColWidth = dispwidth(self.options.disp_column_sep)
winWidth = self.windowWidth
self._visibleColLayout = {}
x = 0
vcolidx = 0
for vcolidx, col in enumerate(self.availCols):
width = self.calcSingleColLayout(col, vcolidx, x, minColWidth)
if width:
x += width+sepColWidth
if x > winWidth-1:
self.rightVisibleColIndex = vcolidx
def calcSingleColLayout(self, col:Column, vcolidx:int, x:int=0, minColWidth:int=4):
if col.width is None and len(self.visibleRows) > 0:
vrows = self.visibleRows if self.nRows > 1000 else self.rows[:1000] #1964
# handle delayed column width-finding
col.width = max(col.getMaxWidth(vrows), minColWidth)
if vcolidx < self.nVisibleCols-1: # let last column fill up the max width
col.width = min(col.width, self.options.default_width)
width = col.width if col.width is not None else self.options.default_width
# when cursor showing a hidden column
if vcolidx >= self.nVisibleCols and vcolidx == self.cursorVisibleColIndex:
width = self.options.default_width
width = max(width, 1)
if col in self.keyCols or vcolidx >= self.leftVisibleColIndex: # visible columns
self._visibleColLayout[vcolidx] = [x, min(width, self.windowWidth-x)]
return width
def drawColHeader(self, scr, y, h, vcolidx):
'Compose and draw column header for given vcolidx.'
col = self.availCols[vcolidx]
# hdrattr highlights whole column header
# sepattr is for header separators and indicators
sepcattr = update_attr(colors.color_default, colors.get_color('color_column_sep'), 2)
hdrcattr = self._colorize(col, None)
if vcolidx == self.cursorVisibleColIndex:
hdrcattr = update_attr(hdrcattr, colors.color_current_hdr, 2)
C = self.options.disp_column_sep
if (self.keyCols and col is self.keyCols[-1]) or vcolidx == self.nVisibleCols-1:
C = self.options.disp_keycol_sep
x, colwidth = self._visibleColLayout[vcolidx]
# AnameTC
T = vd.getType(col.type).icon
if T is None: # still allow icon to be explicitly non-displayed ''
T = '?'
hdrs ='\n')
for i in range(h):
name = ''
if colwidth > 2:
name = ' ' # save room at front for LeftMore or sorted arrow
if h-i-1 < len(hdrs):
name += hdrs[::-1][h-i-1]
if i == h-1:
hdrcattr = update_attr(hdrcattr, colors.color_bottom_hdr, 5)
clipdraw(scr, y+i, x, name, hdrcattr, w=colwidth)
vd.onMouse(scr, x, y+i, colwidth, 1, BUTTON3_RELEASED='rename-col')
if C and x+colwidth+len(C) < self.windowWidth and y+i < self.windowWidth:
scr.addstr(y+i, x+colwidth, C, sepcattr.attr)
clipdraw(scr, y+h-1, min(x+colwidth, self.windowWidth-1)-dispwidth(T), T, hdrcattr)
if vcolidx == self.leftVisibleColIndex and col not in self.keyCols and self.nonKeyVisibleCols.index(col) > 0:
A = self.options.disp_more_left
scr.addstr(y, x, A, sepcattr.attr)
except ValueError: # from .index
A = ''
for j, (sortcol, sortdir) in enumerate(self._ordering):
if isinstance(sortcol, str):
sortcol = self.colsByName.get(sortcol) # self.column will fail if sortcol was renamed
if col is sortcol:
A = self.options.disp_sort_desc[j] if sortdir else self.options.disp_sort_asc[j]
scr.addstr(y+h-1, x, A, hdrcattr.attr)
except IndexError:
def isVisibleIdxKey(self, vcolidx):
'Return boolean: is given column index a key column?'
return self.visibleCols[vcolidx] in self.keyCols
def draw(self, scr):
'Draw entire screen onto the `scr` curses object.'
if not self.columns:
drawparams = {
'isNull': self.isNullFunc(),
'topsep': self.options.disp_rowtop_sep,
'midsep': self.options.disp_rowmid_sep,
'botsep': self.options.disp_rowbot_sep,
'endsep': self.options.disp_rowend_sep,
'keytopsep': self.options.disp_keytop_sep,
'keymidsep': self.options.disp_keymid_sep,
'keybotsep': self.options.disp_keybot_sep,
'endtopsep': self.options.disp_endtop_sep,
'endmidsep': self.options.disp_endmid_sep,
'endbotsep': self.options.disp_endbot_sep,
'colsep': self.options.disp_column_sep,
'keysep': self.options.disp_keycol_sep,
'selectednote': self.options.disp_selected_note,
'disp_truncator': self.options.disp_truncator,
self._rowLayout = {} # [rowidx] -> (y, height)
numHeaderRows = self.nHeaderRows
vcolidx = 0
headerRow = 0
for vcolidx, colinfo in sorted(self._visibleColLayout.items()):
self.drawColHeader(scr, headerRow, numHeaderRows, vcolidx)
y = headerRow + numHeaderRows
rows = self.rows[self.topRowIndex:min(self.topRowIndex+self.nScreenRows+1, self.nRows)]
for rowidx, row in enumerate(rows):
if y >= self.windowHeight-1:
rowcattr = self._colorize(None, row)
y += self.drawRow(scr, row, self.topRowIndex+rowidx, y, rowcattr, maxheight=self.windowHeight-y-1, **drawparams)
if vcolidx+1 < self.nVisibleCols:
scr.addstr(headerRow, self.windowWidth-2, self.options.disp_more_right, colors.color_column_sep.attr)
def calc_height(self, row, displines=None, isNull=None, maxheight=1):
'render cell contents ifor row into displines'
if displines is None:
displines = {} # [vcolidx] -> list of lines in that cell
for vcolidx, (x, colwidth) in sorted(self._visibleColLayout.items()):
if x < self.windowWidth: # only draw inside window
vcols = self.availCols
if vcolidx >= self.nVisibleCols and vcolidx != self.cursorVisibleColIndex:
col = vcols[vcolidx]
cellval = col.getCell(row)
cellval.display = col.display(cellval, colwidth)
if isNull and isNull(cellval.value):
cellval.note = self.options.disp_note_none
cellval.notecolor = 'color_note_type'
except (TypeError, ValueError):
if maxheight > 1:
lines = _splitcell(self, cellval.display, width=colwidth-2, maxheight=maxheight)
lines = [cellval.display]
displines[vcolidx] = (col, cellval, lines)
if len(displines) == 0:
return 0
return max(len(lines) for _, _, lines in displines.values())
def drawRow(self, scr, row, rowidx, ybase, rowcattr: ColorAttr, maxheight,
# sepattr is the attr between cell/columns
sepcattr = update_attr(rowcattr, colors.color_column_sep, 1)
# apply current row here instead of in a colorizer, because it needs to know dispRowIndex
if rowidx == self.cursorRowIndex:
color_current_row = colors.get_color('color_current_row', 2)
basecellcattr = sepcattr = update_attr(rowcattr, color_current_row)
basecellcattr = rowcattr
# calc_height renders cell contents into displines
displines = {} # [vcolidx] -> list of lines in that cell
self.calc_height(row, displines, maxheight=self.rowHeight)
height = min(self.rowHeight, maxheight) or 1 # display even empty rows
self._rowLayout[rowidx] = (ybase, height)
if height > 1:
colseps = [topsep] + [midsep]*height + [botsep]
endseps = [endtopsep] + [endmidsep]*height + [endbotsep]
keyseps = [keytopsep] + [keymidsep]*height + [keybotsep]
colseps = [colsep]
endseps = [endsep]
keyseps = [keysep]
for vcolidx, (col, cellval, lines) in displines.items():
if vcolidx not in self._visibleColLayout:
if vcolidx == self.nVisibleCols-1: # right edge of sheet
seps = endseps
elif (self.keyCols and col is self.keyCols[-1]): # last keycol
seps = keyseps
seps = colseps
x, colwidth = self._visibleColLayout[vcolidx]
hoffset = col.hoffset
voffset = col.voffset
cattr = self._colorize(col, row, cellval)
cattr = update_attr(cattr, basecellcattr)
note = getattr(cellval, 'note', None)
notewidth = 1 if note else 0
if note:
notecattr = update_attr(cattr, colors.get_color(cellval.notecolor), 10)
clipdraw(scr, ybase, x+colwidth-notewidth, note, notecattr)
lines = lines[voffset:]
if len(lines) > height:
lines = lines[:height]
elif len(lines) < height:
lines.extend([[('', '')]]*(height-len(lines)))
for i, chunks in enumerate(lines):
y = ybase+i
sepchars = seps[i]
pre = disp_truncator if hoffset != 0 else disp_column_fill
prechunks = []
if colwidth > 2:
prechunks.append(('', pre))
for attr, text in chunks:
prechunks.append((attr, text[hoffset:]))
clipdraw_chunks(scr, y, x, prechunks, cattr, w=colwidth-notewidth)
vd.onMouse(scr, x, y, colwidth, 1, BUTTON3_RELEASED='edit-cell')
if x+colwidth+dispwidth(sepchars) <= self.windowWidth:
scr.addstr(y, x+colwidth, sepchars, sepcattr.attr)
for notefunc in vd.rowNoters:
ch = notefunc(self, row)
if ch:
clipdraw(scr, ybase, 0, ch, colors.color_note_row)
return height
vd.rowNoters = [
# f(sheet, row) -> character to be displayed on the left side of row
Sheet = TableSheet # deprecated in 2.0 but still widely used internally
[docs]class SequenceSheet(Sheet):
'Sheets with ``ColumnItem`` columns, and rows that are Python sequences (list, namedtuple, etc).'
def setCols(self, headerrows):
self.columns = []
vd.clearCaches() #1997
for i, colnamelines in enumerate(itertools.zip_longest(*headerrows, fillvalue='')):
colnamelines = ['' if c is None else c for c in colnamelines]
self.addColumn(ColumnItem(''.join(map(str, colnamelines)), i))
self._rowtype = namedlist('tsvobj', [( or '_') for c in self.columns])
def newRow(self):
return self._rowtype()
def addRow(self, row, index=None):
for i in range(len(self.columns), len(row)): # no-op if already done
self.addColumn(ColumnItem('', i))
self._rowtype = namedlist('tsvobj', [( or '_') for c in self.columns])
if type(row) is not self._rowtype:
row = self._rowtype(row)
super().addRow(row, index=index)
def optlines(self, it, optname):
'Generate next options.<optname> elements from iterator with exceptions wrapped.'
for i in range(self.options.getobj(optname, self)):
yield next(it)
except StopIteration:
def loader(self):
'Skip first options.skip rows; set columns from next options.header rows.'
itsource = self.iterload()
# skip the first options.skip rows
list(self.optlines(itsource, 'skip'))
# use the next options.header rows as columns
self.setCols(list(self.optlines(itsource, 'header')))
self.rows = []
# add the rest of the rows
for r in vd.Progress(itsource, gerund='loading', total=0):
def _evalcontexts(vd):
return {}
## VisiData sheet manipulation
def replace(vd, vs):
'Replace top sheet with the given sheet `vs`.'
return vd.push(vs)
def remove(vd, vs):
'Remove *vs* from sheets stack, without asking for confirmation.'
if vs in vd.sheets:
if vs in vd.allSheets:
else:'sheet not on stack')
def push(vd, vs, pane=0, load=True):
'Push Sheet *vs* onto ``vd.sheets`` stack for *pane* (0 for active pane, -1 for inactive pane). Remove from other position if already on sheets stack.'
if not isinstance(vs, BaseSheet):
return # return instead of raise, some commands need this
if vs in vd.sheets:
vs.vd = vd
if pane == -1:
vs.pane = 2 if vd.activePane == 1 else 1
elif pane == 0:
if not vd.sheetstack(1): vd.activePane=vs.pane=1
elif not vd.sheetstack(2) and vd.options.disp_splitwin_pct != 0: vd.activePane=vs.pane=2
else: vs.pane = vd.activePane
vs.pane = pane
vd.sheets.insert(0, vs)
if vs.precious and vs not in vd.allSheets:
if load:
if vd.activeCommand:
vs.longname = vd.activeCommand.longname
def quit(vd, *sheets):
'Remove *sheets* from sheets stack, asking for confirmation if needed.'
for vs in sheets:
vs.pane = 0
if vd.activeCommand:
vd.activeSheet.longname = vd.activeCommand.longname
def confirmQuit(vs, verb='quit'):
if vs.options.quitguard and vs.precious and vs.hasBeenModified and not vd._nextCommands:
vd.confirm(f'{verb} modified sheet "{}"? ')
elif vs.options.getonly('quitguard', vs, False) and not vd._nextCommands: # if this sheet is specifically guarded
vd.confirm(f'{verb} guarded sheet "{}"? ')
def preloadHook(sheet):
'Override to setup for reload().'
sheet.hasBeenModified = False
def newSheet(vd, name, ncols, **kwargs):
return Sheet(name, columns=[SettableColumn(width=vd.options.default_width) for i in range(ncols)], **kwargs)
def quitAndReleaseMemory(vs):
'Release largest memory consumer refs on *vs* to free up memory.'
if isinstance(vs.source, visidata.Path):
vs.source.lines.clear() # clear cache of read lines
if vs.precious: # only precious sheets have meaningful data
vs.rows = UNLOADED
def splitPane(sheet, pct=None):
if vd.activeStack[1:]:
undersheet = vd.activeStack[1]
pane = 1 if undersheet.pane == 2 else 2
vd.push(undersheet, pane=pane)
vd.activePane = pane
vd.options.disp_splitwin_pct = pct
def async_deepcopy(sheet, rowlist):
def _async_deepcopy(newlist, oldlist):
for r in vd.Progress(oldlist, 'copying'):
ret = []
_async_deepcopy(ret, rowlist)
return ret
BaseSheet.init('pane', lambda: 1)
BaseSheet.addCommand('^R', 'reload-sheet', 'preloadHook(); reload()', 'Reload current sheet')
Sheet.addCommand('^G', 'show-cursor', 'status(statusLine)', 'show cursor position and bounds of current sheet on status line')
Sheet.addCommand('!', 'key-col', 'toggleKeys([cursorCol])', 'toggle current column as a key column')
Sheet.addCommand('z!', 'key-col-off', 'unsetKeys([cursorCol])', 'unset current column as a key column')
Sheet.addCommand('e', 'edit-cell', 'cursorCol.setValues([cursorRow], editCell(cursorVisibleColIndex)) if not (cursorRow is None) else fail("no rows to edit")', 'edit contents of current cell')
Sheet.addCommand('ge', 'setcol-input', 'cursorCol.setValuesTyped(selectedRows, input("set selected to: ", value=cursorDisplay))', 'set contents of current column for selected rows to same input')
Sheet.addCommand('"', 'dup-selected', 'vs=copy(sheet); += "_selectedref"; vs.reload=lambda vs=vs,rows=selectedRows: setattr(vs, "rows", list(rows)); vd.push(vs)', 'open a duplicate sheet with only the selected rows')
Sheet.addCommand('g"', 'dup-rows', 'vs=copy(sheet);"_copy"; vs.rows=list(rows); status("copied ";; vd.push(vs)', 'open a duplicate sheet with all rows')
Sheet.addCommand('z"', 'dup-selected-deep', 'vs = deepcopy(sheet); += "_selecteddeepcopy"; vs.rows = vs.async_deepcopy(selectedRows); vd.push(vs); status("pushed sheet with async deepcopy of selected rows")', 'open duplicate sheet with deepcopy of selected rows')
Sheet.addCommand('gz"', 'dup-rows-deep', 'vs = deepcopy(sheet); += "_deepcopy"; vs.rows = vs.async_deepcopy(rows); vd.push(vs); status("pushed sheet with async deepcopy of all rows")', 'open duplicate sheet with deepcopy of all rows')
Sheet.addCommand('z~', 'type-any', 'cursorCol.type = anytype', 'set type of current column to anytype')
Sheet.addCommand('~', 'type-string', 'cursorCol.type = str', 'set type of current column to str')
Sheet.addCommand('#', 'type-int', 'cursorCol.type = int', 'set type of current column to int')
Sheet.addCommand('z#', 'type-len', 'cursorCol.type = vlen', 'set type of current column to len')
Sheet.addCommand('%', 'type-float', 'cursorCol.type = float', 'set type of current column to float')
Sheet.addCommand('', 'type-floatlocale', 'cursorCol.type = floatlocale', 'set type of current column to float using system locale set in LC_NUMERIC')
BaseSheet.addCommand('q', 'quit-sheet', 'vd.quit(sheet)', 'quit current sheet')
BaseSheet.addCommand('Q', 'quit-sheet-free', 'quitAndReleaseMemory()', 'discard current sheet and free memory')
globalCommand('gq', 'quit-all', 'vd.quit(*vd.sheets)', 'quit all sheets (clean exit)')
BaseSheet.addCommand('Z', 'splitwin-half', 'splitPane(vd.options.disp_splitwin_pct or 50)', 'ensure split pane is set and push under sheet onto other pane')
BaseSheet.addCommand('gZ', 'splitwin-close', 'vd.options.disp_splitwin_pct = 0\nfor vs in vd.activeStack: vs.pane = 1', 'close split screen')
BaseSheet.addCommand('^I', 'splitwin-swap', 'vd.activePane = 1 if sheet.pane == 2 else 2', 'jump to inactive pane')
BaseSheet.addCommand('g^I', 'splitwin-swap-pane', 'vd.options.disp_splitwin_pct=-vd.options.disp_splitwin_pct', 'swap panes onscreen')
BaseSheet.addCommand('zZ', 'splitwin-input', 'vd.options.disp_splitwin_pct = input("% height for split window: ", value=vd.options.disp_splitwin_pct)', 'set split pane to specific size')
BaseSheet.addCommand('^L', 'redraw', 'sheet.refresh(); vd.redraw()', 'Refresh screen')
BaseSheet.addCommand(None, 'guard-sheet', 'options.set("quitguard", True, sheet); status("guarded")', 'Set quitguard on current sheet to confirm before quit')
BaseSheet.addCommand(None, 'guard-sheet-off', 'options.set("quitguard", False, sheet); status("unguarded")', 'Unset quitguard on current sheet to not confirm before quit')
BaseSheet.addCommand(None, 'open-source', 'vd.replace(source)', 'jump to the source of this sheet')
BaseSheet.bindkey('KEY_RESIZE', 'redraw')
BaseSheet.addCommand('A', 'open-new', 'vd.push(vd.newSheet("unnamed", 1))', 'Open new empty sheet')
BaseSheet.addCommand('`', 'open-source', 'vd.push(source)', 'open source sheet')
BaseSheet.addCommand(None, 'rename-sheet', ' = input("rename sheet to: ", value=cleanName(', 'Rename current sheet')
Sheet.addCommand('', 'addcol-source', 'source .addColumn(copy(cursorCol)) if isinstance (source, BaseSheet) else error("source must be sheet")', 'add copy of current column to source sheet') #988 frosencrantz
def formatter_enum(col, fmtdict):
return lambda val, fmtdict=fmtdict,*args,**kwargs: fmtdict.__getitem__(val)
Sheet.addCommand('', 'setcol-formatter', 'cursorCol.formatter=input("set formatter to: ", value=cursorCol.formatter or "generic")', 'set formatter for current column (generic, json, python)')
Sheet.addCommand('', 'setcol-format-enum', 'cursorCol.fmtstr=input("format replacements (k=v): ", value=f"{cursorDisplay}=", i=len(cursorDisplay)+1); cursorCol.formatter="enum"', 'add secondary type translator to current column from input enum (space-separated)')
File > New > open-new
File > Rename > rename-sheet
File > Guard > on > guard-sheet
File > Guard > off > guard-sheet-off
File > Duplicate > selected rows by ref > dup-selected
File > Duplicate > all rows by ref > dup-rows
File > Duplicate > selected rows deep > dup-selected-deep
File > Duplicate > all rows deep > dup-rows-deep
File > Reload > rows and columns > reload-sheet
File > Quit > top sheet > quit-sheet
File > Quit > all sheets > quit-all
Edit > Modify > current cell > input > edit-cell
Edit > Modify > selected cells > from input > setcol-input
View > Sheets > stack > sheets-stack
View > Sheets > all > sheets-all
View > Other sheet > source sheet > open-source
View > Split pane > in half > splitwin-half
View > Split pane > in percent > splitwin-input
View > Split pane > unsplit > splitwin-close
View > Split pane > swap panes > splitwin-swap-pane
View > Split pane > goto other pane > splitwin-swap
View > Refresh screen > redraw
Column > Type as > anytype > type-any
Column > Type as > string > type-string
Column > Type as > integer > type-int
Column > Type as > float > type-float
Column > Type as > locale float > type-floatlocale
Column > Type as > length > type-len
Column > Key > toggle current column > key-col
Column > Key > unkey current column > key-col-off